Tuesday September 18

Well, what a day!! Early news was that high winds were expected, followed by rain in the evening. Then there were stories of tornados in various places. Sue and I were invited to lunch by Sue's supervisor at Yale Nursing School, Nancy, along with several others - Fran, Sarah and Songporn. I took the Premiere shuttle to the Yale Nursing School where I met the above people. We then took 2 cars to West Haven where we had a great lunch at Savin Rock Roasting Co ( see www.savinrockroasting.com ).

After returning to the School I left Sue to work and with cap and coat I headed up College Street in search of some of the older buildings of Yale, similar to what we had seen in Cambridge at Harvard. Well... there were quite a few on College north of Elm, and even more up Hillhouse Avenue up to Science Hill. Some samples:

By the time I had returned to town, having been buffeted by some pretty strong wind gusts, I had walked about 2 1/2 miles (4 km). After a reasonable coffee in Starbucks - mind you I asked for a small and received a container which must have been at least 2 cups, if not 3 - I headed for the Black Bear. Shortly after I arrived Sue phoned to say she was on her way. 3/4 hour and 1 frantic phone call later she arrived. We had a quiet drink before heading out to meet our old acquaintance from San Francisco (1984) Pat, at Ibiza (see http://www.ibizarestaurantnewhaven.com/ ).

Pat arrived just after us. She was well-known to the owners and staff. As well as the menu orders we were plied with several tapas tasters both before the Appetizers and after dessert. The wine was a Spanish dry white - very drinkable. To finish there was also a taste of a dessert wine, which had a bit of a taste like prunes, but still quite nice. Throughout dinner we discussed the lives and careers of Pat, her husband Bob (Dean of Medicine) and their two children, Rachelle and Kyle, both of whom look set to have interesting futures.

Just as we were about to leave the storm hit, with torrential rain. We were pretty-well soaked in the short walk to Pat's car. Then the drive back to our suite was slow as the rain was still torrential. We had noticed a picture of the suites at Union Station on Sunday showed a pool in the front - well it was back by the time we tried to get from the front up to our suite! Anyway, the following day - Wednesday - dawned fine and calm. No damage done, around here at least!

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